Remedies to help us heal and stay healthy - naturally

Remedies, supplements & The Natural Business Directory

Vitamins & Minerals

The essentials

Natural medicine chest

The must-haves

Payment in kind

This is our vision- for now we still need old style money!

DMSO 99.9% purity

Pure DSMO liquid and gels made in the UK

Vitamin C and the rest...

C, D3, K2, Iodine, Zinc

Nano Colloidals

Silver, Gold and Magnesium

What the heck is DMSO and do I want to ingest Nano minerals?!

Find out what other people have used our products for and the results they’ve had. We’re not advising you to take anything of course 🙂  You are a sovereign natural living and breathing woman or man – you make your own health choices

The Natural People's Directory

A place to find and offer services which supports men and women who choose freedom over fear and health over holidays!

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